(Read full article on kloop.kg)
In the village of Kyzyl-Adyr in the Talas region, citizens, dissatisfied with the preliminary results of the elections in the Manas constituency, went to a rally on November 30. “Azattyk”writes about this .
According to Turmush , those who attended the rally are supporters of the candidate for deputy in this constituency, Mirlan Nazarbekov. Kaktus.media , referring to the Talas oblast police department, reported that about 200 people had gathered for the action.
“Voters claim that candidate Dastan Jumabekov, a former speaker of parliament, engaged in bribery. They demand to remove him from the elections, “Azattyk writes.
Dzhumabekov himself has not yet commented on this rally. Earlier, during the pre-election campaign, the CEC fined Dzhumabekov several times for violating the rules of campaigning.