(Read full article on podrobno.uz)
In the very center of Tashkent, they again began to destroy the unique mosaic of the Soviet era, which decorated nine-story residential buildings, Podrobno.uz correspondent reports.
We are talking about the facades of nine-story houses on the Almazar massif (near the Friendship of Peoples Square).
The Chilanzar khokimiyat did not notice anything exceptional in the mosaic, emphasising that it had not been repaired for more than 40 years, therefore, on the basis of the decision of the Tashkent City Kengash of People’s Deputies, repair work began on the facades of multi-storey buildings here.
Fortunately, some of the residents were against it and the repair of the side parts of the houses was suspended. At the moment, repair work is underway on the facades of the front and rear of the houses.