(Read full article on vlast.kz)
Residents of Almaty, Almaty, Turkestan regions and the capital were faced with the fact that only QazVac was available for revaccination.
Earlier, Minister of Health Alexei Tsoi said that Kazakhstan is the only country with such a large selection of vaccines against coronavirus infection: Sputnik V, QazVac, Vero Cell (CoronaVac), Hayat Vax, and for pregnant women, lactating women and adolescents from 12 to 18 years old – Pfizer. Since December 8, the Ministry of Health, in connection with the threat of the spread of the new Omicron strain, has allowed everyone to be revaccinated. However, in fact, today the population is offered only one vaccine for a booster dose – the domestic drug QazVac. This is reported by residents of Almaty, Almaty region and the capital.
“Yes, indeed, only QacVac (for revaccination today – V),” the authorities said in the capital city polyclinic no. 2.